Traffic Stereotypes Video Competition
Help improve school safety by drawing attention to common carline errors
$250 Gift Card
Grand Prize
videos must be made by current Fca students
videos must highlight common carline error stereotypes, examples listed below. for an example of this format, please check out this video from dude perfect
Videos must be uploaded to YouTube and the public link submitted via the form below
all entries are due by October 11, 2024
students may work alone or in teams, but only one gift card will be granted
the winner will be chosen by popular vote at the end of the submission period
videos can't be longer than 10 minutes
content must be school appropriate
videos can't call out specific people, just stereotypes
Traffic Stereotypes

Dangerous drop-off: This parent’s primary concern is saving time for themselves. Even though it is dangerous, they have no issue dropping their children off (or picking up) on Ann Road, in the parking lot entrance, in the middle of Donna, or any other place outside of designated drop-off zones.
Procrastinated Prepper: This parent rolls up to carline just like any parent but their scholar isn’t at all ready to get out of the car. The kid is still eating their breakfast, doesn’t have their backpack packed, doesn’t have their jacket on, can’t find their water bottle, etc. Parent jumps out of their car to help but instead of a 10-second drop-off, this parent is backing up carline several minutes while they get their kid ready for school.
Door-to-Door Service: We all know you need to pull all the way forward when dropping off yet this parent refuses to drop their child off anywhere other than exactly in front of the entrance doors. Their refusal to pull forward reduces the number of cars that can drop off scholars at the same time and slows down carline.
The Long Wave Goodbye: This parent drops their student off well before the front doors but then drives slowly next to the student waving and saying goodbye all the way to the entrance.
Distracted Driver: While going through carline the parent is talking on the phone, doing their makeup, and really anything other than paying attention to their driving.
Speed Racer: This parent has places to be. You better not take too long or they’re going to try to go around you instead of following traffic rules.
Below are examples of common negative carline stereotypes. You are welcome to use any combination of these or your own in your video. Please remember, the purpose is to be funny, not insulting or condescending.