Why work for Freedom Classical Academy?
Freedom Classical Academy is a single-site, independent charter school. We are not part of CCSD or any large charter network. This means that you are more than just a number to us; you are a part of our small educational family.
At Freedom Classical Academy (FCA), we believe that a person's character is more important than their GPA. While we want our students to be smart, we also want them to be good human beings. This emphasis helps us create a school culture that is unique, warm, and safe.
"Freedom Classical Academy is a place where each staff member and student is respected and valued. This is evident in the day to day interactions. At FCA students learn content, but are active in the process. They are encouraged to think for themselves, to share ideas, to question/debate, and to respect the perspectives of their peers. This independence carries over to behavior as I consistently see good things happening all around the school. Some examples include: Students helping one another, students walking quietly in the halls, students stopping in the hall to let an adult (or another child) pass. This morning when coming in I witnessed a middle school student picking up trash outside the door and putting it in the trash bin without prompting or fanfare, just because it was the right thing to do. FCA is a special place to work and it is an absolute delight to be here!"
- JoAnne Richards, GATE Teacher

Teacher Testimonial 1
The teaching profession is in crisis across the world and educators are leaving the profession at rates higher than ever before. There are many reasons for this exodus, but one big reason is the overwhelming amount of tasks placed on teacher's shoulders. Endless meetings, reports, phone calls, grading, emails, parent communication, home visits, committees, clubs, and so forth all take their toll. Add to this the need in many schools for teachers to create their own curriculum based on esoteric standard maps and you have a recipe for disaster. At FCA, we respect your time. We provide curriculum and resources. We minimize meetings. We encourage you to set communication boundaries with parents so that you can have your own life. Most significantly, we observe a 4-day school week leaving you more time outside of the classroom. Teaching will always be a busy job, but it shouldn't be so busy that it is the only thing you do.
Teaching is hard. Trying to do it all alone will burn out anyone. At FCA, we provide our staff with ongoing professional development and instructional coaching to help you perfect your craft. Teachers are organized into grade-level or content-area PLC teams to plan together and support each other. Time for these meetings is worked into the schedule to prevent unnecessary time spent out of the regular school day. A dean is available to handle severe behavioral referrals and administration is always accessible should you need additional support.
FCA participates in the Nevada Public Employee Retirement System (PERS). We are a public school just like CCSD schools meaning your retirement won't be compromised if you are coming to us from CCSD or leave us to go to another public school. Years at FCA count the same as they would at any other public school.
In addition to retirement, FCA also provides a number of insurances including health, vision, dental, life, and more. A variety of plans and options are available to our staff depending on your situation and goals.
Each full-time employee receives an annual allotment of paid days off in addition to several holidays being paid days off.